Erectile Dysfunction Vacuum Therapy and Supplies
Erectile DysfunctionED means that a man has a problem achieving or maintaining an erection. It does not mean that he has a problem with fertility, ejaculation or orgasm. About one of every 10 adult males has an ongoing or "chronic" problem with ED. And, above the age of 60, about one in every three is no longer able to achieve an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Vacuum Therapy Devices / Penis PumpsVED - Vacuum therapy has become one of the most popular solutions to the problem of ED. Physicians have prescribed hundreds of thousands of these systems for patients who prefer a safe and effective alternative to implant surgery or oral medications. The satisfaction rate among patients and their partners is very high. Vacuum therapy is also the most affordable of the major treatments for Erectile Dysfunction and the only prescribed treatment still reimbursed by Medicare. Candidates for Vacuum Therapy
If you are in one of the following categories you are a candidate for Vacuum Therapy: 1. Tried prescription ED medication, but it didn't work Brite Health Care provides vacuum therapy devices, also called 'Penis Pumps'. Penis pumps are an easy solution that will work for almost any man regardless of the cause of his erectile dysfunction. Penis pumps provided by Brite Health Care offer: 1. Medicare and insurance reimbursement